Contact Us

Get local traffic to your website using Google, Bing, Yahoo and more.

RMG Web Marketing helps businesses of all sizes develop and implement Internet Marketing Strategies for Optimum Growth and Increased Profits.

RMG Web Marketing
(Reddoch Media Group)

381 LCR 514

Mexia, Texas 76667


Graphic Design

Graphics are important in communicating your message to your potential customers. Attention getting images with spot on messaging increases conversions.

Website Design

To be successful on the web, you need a winning website. Not just one that looks good but one that converts visitors in to customers. Our websites are customer driven conversion machines.

Logo Creation

A logo makes a good impression and should grab your visitors attention right away. It should be memorable and reflect your brand and business identity with clarity.

video Marketing

Your website has a better chance of ranking on Google and converting more customers if it has video on it. We can help you create winning videos that educate and inform your visitors.

Social Media Marketing

We don't have to tell you the importance of social media in today's business world. Connections are made and maintained through social channels and we can help make it more effective.

Get Found On Search Engines

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is crucial for web success. Unlike social media, search expresses intent to take an action. We are leaders in search marketing.

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